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Pink Diamond Guide

Pink Diamonds: A Buying Guide

A number of wealthy people no longer purchase white diamonds. The view of such individuals is that white diamonds are average. Instead  most wealthy people opt to purchase certain types of colored diamonds which are rare and highly valuable. While there are many varieties of colored diamonds, pink diamonds are the rarest and most expensive. Pink diamonds are on average 20 times more valuable than white diamonds. Because of this, a lot of people are buying pink diamonds  for investment purposes. In normal circumstances, pink diamonds can appreciate by 50% or more in 3 years. This is one of the reasons why people are opting to invest in them. The positive thing is that any person has the ability to invest in these rare metals. One does not necessarily need to be wealthy in order to put money into these metals.


Why Pink Diamonds are So Rare


The rarity of pink diamonds is down to a few reasons. You can only find 1 pink diamond in every 10,000 mined. Scientists are yet to conclude what causes the pink color in diamond. In addition, a certain site in Australia accounts for 90 percent of pink diamonds. The site's name is pink argyle diamond situated near Perth ,Western Australia. Production in the mine began in 1983 and is set to conclude in the year 2020. Countries such as South Africa. India, Brazil and Indonesia account for the rest of the pink diamonds. The largest market for pink diamonds is the US, followed by Japan and India.


What To Look For When Purchasing Pink



Generally, white diamonds are  judged on clarity, carat weight, cut and color. On the other hand, pink diamonds are judged using a different criteria. In this case the darkest shades fetch the highest prices. Ultimately, buyers ought to choose pink diamonds that inspire them. Aside from color saturation, it also important to consider your budget when buying pink diamonds. You can choose the most expensive pink diamonds if you have no budget concerns. Pink diamonds that have a darker hue are the most expensive. The decision to go with lighter or darker shade depends on your budget. Additional qualities that determine the price of pink diamonds are brightness, hue and intensity.




With 90 percent of pink diamonds coming from one site in Australia, it is safe to say that most of the diamonds being sold are legit. However, you should inquire about the origin of each and every piece of diamonds you buy. Being aware of the origin of diamonds helps you avoid diamonds bought from violent areas. For instance, you shouldn't buy diamond originating from Sierra Leone. Finally, one can purchase pink diamond from popular retailers. Also, you can purchase pink diamonds online. Know more about the wholesale pink diamonds.